REVIEW: Style Brown*

It's been a while! I've been so busy with university and work that I haven't had a chance to take photos and post reviews in the last couple of months. (I have 2 hauls and a few more reviews on circle lenses coming up soon, so hang around!)

Thank you Klenspop for these lenses! They sent these to me for review earlier on in the year.

T.Top Style Brown
Life Span: 6 months
Base curve: 8.5mm
Diameter: 14.1mm
Water content: 38%

Enlargement: 3/5
Natural looking doe-eyed enlargement, perfect for everyday wear.

Colour & Design: 4/5
Style Brown are two toned lenses with spikes gradually fading towards the centre. The limbal ring is a nice chocolate colour which fades to a tawny brown, this gives the iris a lovely glowing effect. They are a bit pixelated up close, but definitely blend in well with darker eyes.

Comfort: -
These lenses weren't comfortable at all—they kept sliding around. The base curve listed on the website is 8.6mm, it's listed as 8.5mm on the vials. This could be the reason why they were uncomfortable for me, as it's not the right fit.

Overall: 3.5/5
Such a pity that these lenses weren't the right fit for me. They would've be great for everyday wear or whenever I wanted my eyes to sparkle (for selfies) hehe.

No lens
Daylight (window)
Indoor (lamp light)

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